Employee Expectation from HR Department is a lot as strategic and coherent approach to the management of an organization. HR department deals with employing people, developing their capacities, utilizing, maintaining and compensating their services in tune with the job and organizational requirement. It is really difficult for HR professional to meet employee expectation and employer expectation, however they are the bridge between two parties.
To understand the Employee Expectation from HR Department, BDHRM connected with some professionals in corporate world and we would like to share some of those.
HR Professionals needs to understand Business Process, Shakil Ahmed, COO – Kalyar Replica & Packaging Ltd.
If HR Dept really wants to contribute to the business, then they must know FULL BUSINESS PROCESS. Due to lack of business process Knowledge most of the time HR can’t contribute in the business.
HR can work to empower by ensuring good culture and environment, Nafis Farhan Rashid, CSCM™, BAT
My top four expectations from the HR department will be to feel empowered in my role within my organization, to have continuous learning opportunities, to have a good culture and working environment, and to have proper career growth.
Need to focus on shared service, Monirul Islam Iqra, Head of Marketing & Merchandising at PHI TEX BD
HR system should be available by rendering shared service for small factories, That cannot effort solo HR department for their system.
HRD can assist Top Management in Various Ground, Mahbub Mustafizur Rahman, Deputy Managing Director(Retired), Pubali Bank Limited
Institutional HRD should strive to assist the Top Management in:-
1)Finding/selecting right people for right placement at reasonable pay-package.
2)Maintenance and time-bound up-gradation of congenial working environment leading to individual/ personal achievements of the employees without compromising with the institutional objectives, core values etc.
3)Enabling the employees in developing “Sense of belongingness” to the institution.
4)Framing personnel policies ensuring skill development/recognition leading to minimized staff separation.
Ensuring Win-Win situation, M Shoriful Azad, District Manager, Social Development Foundation
HR professional should work for performance driving culture not just like an accountant. Definitely budget is everywhere, but HR professional can take initiative to improve productivity, hence budget can be increased.
To bridge between management and employee, Md. Maksudur Rahman Shovon, SQ Group
I consider HR professional’s role as the bridge between management and employee. Where the bridge is not strong and if it does not work properly; then both party shall struggle.
Setting milestone based reward management, Mujahidul Islam, GrameenPhone Limited
HR Department can help people to understand each other’s, growing respect, developing values and obvious motivating employees by setting milestone based reward management.
HR Professional needs to play role on Employees Mental Health, Md. Ershad Ali(Akash), Chairman – Lace Footwear Limited
HR Professionals need not only focus on Productivity, Efficiency, Cost Savings, performance, implementing policy but also they need to focus on employee mental health through ensuring a great working environment, minimizing grievance, managing conflict and employee engagement.
Read our article to learn how HR processionals can upskill themselves.