Are you anxious on how to write a resume? or What is the proper format for a resume?
There is no exact answer of this question on which one is universal resume format. A resume can be written in various format. There are some basic tools which is enough to write great resume. If you don’t have enough idea on how to write a resume, then you can see some resume of your well-wishers. Sometimes, it may be hard. Here, we are giving some basic resume format.
The resumes were developed basis considering sub-continent practice. However, these are standard resume worldwide just you need to make some certain change in the format.
Please note, before considering the resumes for USA or any other western countries, please ignore the Photo.
You may ignore Career Objective or you can replace career objective by Profile statement.
You may also avoid writing reference if you wish. However, we are giving some basic format. You are the champion to make your own.
When you are going to update your resume, it can be hard to know how to start? Or how to to write a resume or CV? What experiences and accomplishments should you on the resume? One, two or multiple page?
Here are some guideline for you. Here we have given 15 tips to develop a great resume. Believe, it will bet a vast knowledge on how to write a resume.
1. Use professional email address
Using a professional Email address is obvious during writing a resume. A professional Email name may be created with a combination of applicant name & numeric number (as most of the cases name is not found available).
Example :
Name: Sabrina Talukdar
Professional Email: sabrina2021@bdhrm.com
Unprofessional Email: realtalentsabrina@bdhrm.com
It is also suggested to keep Email address as short as possible.
2. Use updated contact information
Using correct & updated mobile number, Email address, and address. If you use a backdated contact information, employer may not be able to reach you. Experience show that someone are using multiple/ optional contact number & Email address. Here, we will also suggest to use single contact number & Email address.
3. Use professional Front
Always use a professional front. The front may be Calibri, Arial, Georgia, Helvetica etc. or some other front which are good looking for office use.
Do not use front which are complex to read.
Front size should be between 10-12.
Be consistent with your choices during using bold, caps, and italics. If you’ve made one of your subheadings bold – make them all bold. Try not to overuse anything.
4. Use reverse-chronological order
Please maintain this one. Reverse-chronological means starting with latest one then go to backdated one serial by serial.
For Job Experience, put your current job first.
For Education, put your highest degree first.
5. Career Objective/ Resume Profile
You may write Career Objective as well as you can avoid. Experienced professional can replace career objective by Resume Profile.
6. Education & Experience
Here one question comes frequently which should write first?
Education or experience?
Definitely write experience first.
7. Write Achievements
In your experience/ extracurricular activities mention only your achievements not the responsibility. No one is interested with your responsibility as it is now open secret. But achievements really add value on what are you doing.
8.Use Action Verbs
Use action verb or action Words while writing your achievements.
9. Align your content to the left
The content should be left aligned.
9. Photograph
If you are making your resume for Bangladesh or Indian subcontinent, you are recommended to attach a photograph with the resume. The photograph should be professional may be passport photo. Do not include your full photo/ selfie.
But if are going to send your resume to USA or any other western country be sure not to attach your photograph.
10. Include your Social Media profiles, personal Website/ blog
Include your LinkedIn profile Link to your resume. If you have any personal website/ blog then use on your website.
11. Other content
If you are a fresher then, include your social work/ volunteer experience/ extracurricular activities. Experienced may ignore this but be sure to include your skills.
Fresher’s are recommended to include your language skills where experienced candidate can ignore if they wish. But if you are speaking third/ forth/ more language (other than native & English), then you must include your language skill irrespective of fresher or experienced.
Experienced are recommended to include your professional competency & skills. Include if you are expert on any software.
Don’t miss include your Professional certification.
12. Check Spelling & Grammar
Ensure no error on Spelling & Grammar. If you are not competent enough, take help from your well-wishers.
13.Resume Size
A resume must be within 2 pages. Professionals with experience more than 10 years may add 1 extra page. Fresher’s are recommended to complete their resume by 1 page or 1 and half page max.
14. Sharing
Share your resume on pdf format. No word file to be shared.
File Name should be professional.
Correct Resume Name Example
Sabrina Talukdar Resume
Resume_ Sabrina Talukdar
Incorrect Resume Name Example
My Resume
Sabrina updated resume
Resume for XXX Company
Latest Resume_ Correct Resume Name Example
15. Constantly Refresh You Resume
Don’t forget to refresh your resume time to time. You might not change your job or you might not gain any education but with time you will get some achievements. So, refreshing resume on every 3 months is very important.
At last we can recommend t Include only the most relevant information and put the most important information first.